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PT Adhitama Mitra Nusantara

Supplying manpower to various clients on numerous scopes of works

AMN takes-over a part of a company’s business process activities, providing holistic solution instead of merely contractual manpower services.

Provides businesses with a pool of talents, operating as freelance partners through an online application called AdhiTech.

Read More : https://adhitech.id/

PT AMN develops mobile and web-based applications that are related to manpower  utilization and business process solutions.

how we work

Missioned To Maximize The
Business Process

Solving social problems requires leaders from foundations, businesses, nonprofits,
and governments to reimagine the systems and relationships that shape our world.
We strive for a deep understanding of how to create social change.



Surabaya | Mojokerto | Gresik | Malang | Yogyakarta | Pati | Purwokerto | Semarang | Solo | Tegal | Kendari | Makassar | Manado | Palopo | Palu | Tegal | Bandung | Cirebon | Karawang | Kelapa Gading | Subang | Sukabumi | Tasikmalaya


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Developed by AMN Studio


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